Steven M. Bellovin
Steven M. Bellovin is the Percy K. and Vida L. W. Hudson Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University, member of the Cybersecurity and Privacy Center of the university's Data Science Institute, and an affiliate faculty member at Columbia Law School. Bellovin does research on security and privacy and on related public policy issues. In his copious spare professional time, he does some work on the history of cryptography. He joined the faculty in 2005 after many years at Bell Labs and AT&T Labs Research, where he was an AT&T Fellow. He received a BA degree from Columbia University, and an MS and PhD in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. While a graduate student, he helped create Netnews; for this, he and the other perpetrators were given the 1995 Usenix Lifetime Achievement Award (The Flame). He has also received the 2007 NIST/NSA National Computer Systems Security Award and has been elected to the Cybersecurity Hall of Fame. Bellovin has served as Chief Technologist of the Federal Trade Commission and as the Technology Scholar at the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and has served on the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. In the past, he has been a member of the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Advisory Committee, and the Technical Guidelines Development Committee of the Election Assistance Commission.
Bellovin is the author of Thinking Security and the co-author of Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker, and holds a number of patents on cryptographic and network protocols. He has served on many National Research Council study committees, including those on information systems trustworthiness, the privacy implications of authentication technologies, and cybersecurity research needs; he was also a member of the information technology subcommittee of an NRC study group on science versus terrorism. He was a member of the Internet Architecture Board from 1996-2002; he was co-director of the Security Area of the IETF from 2002 through 2004
Joe Grand

Claire Katz
Claire Katz is the Murray and Celeste Fasken Chair in Distinguished Teaching and Professor of Philosophy at Texas A&M, where she currently serves as Associate Dean of Faculties and as Director of the program in pre-college philosophy. In September 2020 she was awarded the title Presidential Professor of Teaching Excellence. She teaches and conducts research in two primary areas: (1) the intersection of philosophy, gender, education, and religion and (2) pre-college philosophy. At Texas A&M, she developed and piloted courses in Jewish philosophy, Philosophy and Gender, and Pre-college Philosophy. She held the Liberal Arts Cornerstone Faculty Fellowship (Texas A&M 2011-2015) and a Copeland Fellowship (Amherst College 2011-12). She has given more than 150 presentations nationally and internationally. She is the author of three monographs: Judaism, and the Feminine: The Silent Footsteps of Rebecca (Indiana 2003); Levinas and the Crisis of Humanism (Indiana 2013); and An Introduction to Modern Jewish Philosophy (I.B.Tauris, 2014). She is the editor of the four volume Emmanuel Levinas: Critical Assessments (with Lara Trout, Routledge 2005) and Growing Up with Philosophy Camp: How Thinking Develops Friendship, Community, and a Sense of Self (Rowman and Littlefield, August 2020). She is the recipient of the 2019 Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award (University Level) for Teaching and the 2019 American Philosophical Association Prize for Excellence in Teaching Philosophy. She is the mother of two aspiring feminist philosophers.Haroon Meer
Haroon Meer is the founder of Thinkst, the company behind the awesome Thinkst Canary. Haroon has contributed to several books on information security and has published a number of papers and tools on various topics related to the field.Mark Miller

Katie Moussouris

CEO & Founder, Luta Security
As a computer hacker with more than 20 years of professional cybersecurity experience, Katie has a unique and unparalleled perspective on security research, vulnerability disclosure, and bug bounties. Katie currently serves as the CEO and Founder of Luta Security. She also serves as an advisor for several governments and large organizations around the world. Working with the U.S. Department of Defense, Katie led the launch of the U.S. government’s first bug bounty program, "Hack the Pentagon." During her tenure with Microsoft, her work included industry-leading initiatives such as Microsoft Vulnerability Research and the company's first bug bounty program. Katie is also the co-author and co-editor of ISO 29147 vulnerability disclosure, ISO 30111 vulnerability handling processes, and ISO 27034 secure development. She is a visiting scholar with the MIT Sloan School and a cybersecurity fellow at New America and the National Security Institute. Katie also served as a Harvard Belfer affiliate, advisor to the Center for Democracy and Technology, and CFP review board member for several conferences including RSA USA, O'Reilly Security, Hack In The Box, and Shakacon. In 2018, Katie was featured in two, Forbes lists: The World’s Top 50 Women in Tech and America’s Top 50 Women in Tech.
Wendy Nather

Wendy Nather leads the Advisory CISO team at Duo Security (now Cisco). She was previously Research Director at the Retail ISAC, where she was responsible for advancing the state of resources and knowledge to help organizations defend their infrastructure from attackers. Wendy was also Research Director of the Information Security Practice at independent analyst firm 451 Research, covering the security industry in areas such as application security, threat intelligence, security services, and other emerging technologies.
Wendy has served as a CISO in both the private and public sectors. She led IT security for the EMEA region of the investment banking division of Swiss Bank Corporation (now UBS), as well as for the Texas Education Agency. She speaks regularly in locations around the world on topics ranging from threat intelligence to identity and access management, risk analysis, incident response, data security, and societal and privacy issues. Wendy is co-author of The Cloud Security Rules, and was listed as one of SC Magazine's Women in IT Security "Power Players" in 2014, as well as an “Influencer” in the Reboot Leadership Awards in 2018. She is an advisory board member for the RSA Conference, and serves on the advisory board for Sightline Security, an organization that helps provide free security assessment services to nonprofit groups. She is based in Austin, Texas, and you can follow her on Twitter as @wendynather.
Charles Shirer
Charles(bsdbandit) is a Penetration Tester / RedTeamer He has 17 years of overall IT operations experience with the last 7 years in Information Security hacking web apps and networks wireless included(Active Directory).
In his spare time Charles works on the SECBSD opensource project which is a penetration testing distro based on the OpenBsd Operating System, works as Staff at several Security Conferences, and runs Several Podcasts.
Jung Seung

Seung Jung is a Korean artist who graduated from Art School in 2006 (ENSAPC - école nationale supérieure d'art de Paris-Cergy). He lives and works in Seoul and his work used to focus on the system of contemporary capitalistic society through various mediums such as installation or digital art.
Since 2016, Seung has attempted a new challenge of experimental artworks by engaging science and engineering theories. He obtained a second master degree at Seoul Media Institute of Technology and has developed a new concept with his thesis: Refraction of Data.
His works of art have been featured in Korean eye, Saatchi gallery, London; Busan biennale, Korea; Plastic Garden, East bridge (798), Beijing; New Romance (Korea-Australia exchange); MMCA Seoul; Transfer K-NRW, Bonn, Germany; ACC residency showcase, Gwangju, Korea; Davinci creative 2019, Seoul, etc. He attended different residency programs abroad to share his experience: ArtOMI, New York, USA; TAV, Taipei, Taiwan, etc.
Justin Weinberg

Justin Weinberg is associate professor of philosophy at the University of South Carolina.
He teaches, writes, and speaks on a variety of topics in moral and political philosophy, including well-being, value, love, regret, offensiveness, social norms, political experimentation, and justice, as well as on the nature of philosophy itself. He is currently focusing on issues related to disagreement.
Justin is also the founder and editor of Daily Nous, a popular news and discussion site for philosophers.
Sophie Viger

Sophie is the managing director of 42 computer programming schools.
Sophie has been passionate about geek culture since her early childhood. She was one of the first female role-players in France in 1981 and was given a ZX-81 the same year at the age of 7. She learned the BASIC programming language when she was 10 at school. She became passionate about all kinds of games (video games, board games, etc.), science fiction and heroic fantasy.
Sophie was a freelance developer, computer programming teacher, director of the Web@cadémie, the Samsung Campus and the Coding Academy by Epitech. She founded the first French education program to teach coding to women "Ambition Féminine" in 2016. Sophie is involved in social impact initiatives. She's a board member of #JamaisSansElles and several NGOs.
As a strong supporter of project-based pedagogy, she joined 42 in 2018. Since then, she has been promoting 42 students' technical skills, but has also advocated for soft skills such as ethics, critical thinking, creativity and empathy. Essential professional qualities, which are much needed nowadays.
Su-en (Suze) Williams

Su-en (Suze) Williams is an ambassador for youth and females in STEM and Cyber Security. She has created programs that teach the fundamentals of technology to children as young as 4 and supported women to maintain technical development while managing careers and family. She has a PhD in Computer Science, researching intrusion detection in wireless honeypots and eleven years experience working in cyber security within the Australian Government. She's currently working to shape the next generation of STEM and cyber security with diversity at the heart.